Jen the Body Painter é um perfil maravilhoso do Instagram que reúne os trabalhos de Jen que, como você já deve imaginar, ganha a vida fazendo as mais diversas pinturas corporais em modelos.
O resultado de seu trabalho é incrível tanto pelo talento da artista quanto pelo fato de que, em um primeiro momento, não dá para perceber que as mulheres pintadas estão sem algumas peças de roupa, e isso é realmente impressionante. A seguir, confira algumas das pinturas feitas por ela e depois nos conte o que você acha desse tipo de arte:
1 – A desvantagem aqui é que a modelo continua com frio
Here's our lovely model @beccabeaarr painted in a not so warm and cozy winter outfit ??. . You guys have shown a lot of love for #teamJBP in stories and lives so I thought I'd introduce everyone that makes this happen! . @kennedyclairewalsh - she's my daughter, an amazing painter that will one day surpass me, and brings a lot of energy to the room . @corywolberg - our teams director and editor, he makes the videos what they are, catching every reaction and making weird/funny comments behind the camera . @brandonwalsh - he's my son, a big thinker and planner for everything that happens, he's the glue that brings this whole team together . @nickzhurav - our teams photographer and picture editor, also a planner and a weird goof to bring some randomness to the group . Last, but not least.. You. All of you are a huge part of our team. This New Years, tell your friends about #TeamJBP so we can continue growing as a big team together! ???? . . #letsgetnaked #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #fam #squadgoals #igfam #bodypainting #bodypaint
Uma publicação compartilhada por Jen the Body Painter (@jenthebodypainter) em 27 de Dez, 2017 às 11:43 PST
2 – Todo mundo de roupa, certo?
???????Painting brings color to life, but my daughter and I literally bring color to people. Please read! ???? I really wanted to tell everyone that's been following me, messaging us, liking, commenting, sharing with your friends, and however else you support our team, thank you. All of you combined, #teamJBP , are the reason we do this every week. My team and I really love and appreciate every single one of you. I hope my journey brings you as much excitement as all of you bring to me. . . ???? We have something special coming your way to thank you, comment #TEAMJBP if you want to see what that is!!! . . #bodypainting #community #igfam #livingart #giveback #artforfun #paintedclothes #letsgetnaked #painting
Uma publicação compartilhada por Jen the Body Painter (@jenthebodypainter) em 20 de Dez, 2017 às 12:41 PST
3 – Neste vídeo, conseguimos ver o incrível processo de pintura
4 – Simplesmente incrível!
5 – Vendo o corpo sendo usado como uma tela
6 – A artista também homenageia conteúdos de entretenimento famosos
7 – Você teria coragem de sair por aí vestindo literalmente nada?